
Showing posts from August, 2023

Are you excluding audience from accessing the digital material you created?

Let’s say you dedicated your blood, sweat and even some tears… or at the very least, some frustrating nights to finding reliable sources, joined an online community interested in the same topic and you finally have a website you are ready to share with the world. How frustrating would it be to find out that someone is keeping people from accessing, contributing to or even benefiting from your material? What if that someone was you? How can that be possible you ask? We’ll take a look here. Accessibility, usability, and inclusion are closely related aspects in creating a web that works for everyone (Shawn Lawton Henry) . If authors of online content do not make an effort to ensure the user can actually reach the website and even further, that the user is given the opportunity to digest the material, they may be inadvertently losing intended audience or, if selling a product, losing customers. Accessibility tools such as closed captions, large buttons and text to speech are features o